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              1. <blockquote id='95EWGJ'><q id='95EWGJ'><noscript id='95EWGJ'></noscript><dt id='95EWGJ'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='95EWGJ'><i id='95EWGJ'></i>
                Strict management mode, excellent design concept, top manufacturing technology
                Produce high-quality, standardized products
                Two-boat trawl Nets
                Floating Gill Nets
                Bottom Gill Nets
                Floating Gill Nets
                Drag Nets
                bottom drag nets
                Business area
                Since its establishment in 1978, Jinzhou Marine Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
                has been adhering to the principle of "honesty" to serve customers with the goal of win-win and improving the quality and service of fishing nets.
                Company Profile
                Kunshan KING CHOU FISH NET MFG.CO.,LTD IN 1979 Mr.C.F.Chen,the ex-president, established KING CHOU FISH NET MFG.CO.,LTD. which specializes in the making of various fishing nets, twines,and ropes as well as agricultural ,industrial, military and sports nettings. Owing to Mr.Chen's - 30 years of industry expertise and the installation of most advanced machineries and facilities,KING CHOU becomes one of the leading fishing net makers in the world.
                Warmly congratulate Jinzhou system website on its trial run!
                Warmly congratulate Jinzhou system website on its trial run!